Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Vestry Meeting Minutes


Vestry Meeting Minutes – Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Bluemont, VA

Date: 3 Nov 2019; Time: The meeting was called to order at 1255 and adjourned at 1405

Place: Good Shepherd Parish Hall

Vestry Attendees: Lois Tapscott (Senior Warden), John Edmonds (Junior Warden), Cindy Ingram (Treasurer), Tim Hall (Register), Judy Hall

Other Attendees: Melanie Edmonds, Charlene Fu, Richard Purnell (Search Chair)

1. Financial Status and Planning

a)        Judy handed out the 2018 Budget vs. Actual spreadsheet, which she will be delivering to the Diocese of Virginia as part of her 2018 Audit, conducted from September to October, 2019.

b)        We reviewed the 2019 Budget vs. Actual spreadsheet, provided by Tim with actual data populated from a Profit & Loss report, through October, provided by Cindy Ingram, treasurer/bookkeeper.  The P&L and spreadsheet include data from both our operational and HVAC (i.e. Building) accounts.

c)        The vestry decided, by consensus, not to re-budget 2019, even though several budge entries were significantly different from actual spending.  Instead, we decided to use this data to help track our spending for the remainder of the year and to prepare an updated budget for 2020.

d)        Tim announced that, on review of the 2019 General Convention packet, he learned that our request for $14,900 in Diocesan aid, submitted with our 2020 budget request, had been forwarded by the Committee on Congregational Missions (CCM) to the GC and is pending approval.  This is a $6,000 increase over last year’s aid package.

2. Facility Maintenance and Improvements

a)        Our sanctuary front doors are in need of significant repair or replacement.  John Edmonds is planning to repair them, with Tim’s assistance, this coming week.  This project will also include replacing some of the molding over the door with PVC molding.  The projected cost is approximately $80.

b)        John will examine the basement screen/storm door that goes out to the patio to see if it can be repaired or should be replaced.

c)        John and Tim will also fix the closet door in the parish hall, where the interior facing has come loose.

d)        John will revisit the project quotes we received last Spring & Summer to prioritize work for next year, based on current account balance and anticipated fundraising.

e)        Tim and Judy Hall said they would donate the floor repair in the sanctuary aisle, replacing the old furnace return vent with and inlayed cross design, and would coordinate the project with Apple House Carpentry, to be done as wintertime, inside work.

3. Fundraising Status

a)        Tim relayed a message from Andrea Brown, fundraising chair, that Good Shepherd had, unfortunately, been denied our grant request from the Patterson Foundation.  There was no specific reason given and Andrea is trying to follow up with them to learn more and find out if we are eligible to resubmit for 2020.

b)        Our Scott Grant is still expected to be received in December 2019 or early 2020.  Judy and Tim will follow-up with the Rev. David Keill at convention.

c)        We need to be thinking about other fundraising ideas/events for 2020.  Josette suggested a concert/bake sale for this winter.  Some concern was raised over possible bad weather.

4. Search Committee Report

a)        Richard Purnell, chair, reported that we finally met with the Rev. Sarah Brockenbrough, DOV Transition Minister, on October 8th.  Lois, Judy, and Tim met Sarah in person at Good Shepherd and Richard called in.  Judy shared her notes from the meeting. 

      1. There is an OTM database on which we need to get our request, but that involves completing the “12 questions” first, via a congregational survey.  Judy will coordinate with Richard on this.
      2. Sarah also urged us to explore “Stories of our Parish”, especially with some of our more elderly congregants.  Charlene said she would consider helping with this project if it can be more clearly defined.

b)        Judy reported that we are now on the DOV website as “In Transition, Pre-Self Study” under http://www.thediocese.net/resources/ministries/jobs-and-transitions/open-positions/

c)        Tim reported that the Winchester Region report for the Annual Convention included mention of our church, as follows:
“…nearly all parishes in the Region have clergy in place providing support for their congregations. The remaining parish, Good Shepherd in Bluemont, is in ongoing discussion with the Diocese, the Region and Dean and area clergy to discern the best way to provide pastoral and liturgical support for their congregation.”

5. Outreach & Mission 2019/2020

a)        Lois and Richard attended the Winchester Region meeting last month.  They reported that there will be a liturgical item swap at the upcoming convention.

b)        We need to be thinking more about other ways to be involved in mission and outreach going forward.  Judy said FISH is looking for more help.

6. Event planning

a)        225th Annual Convention - 14-16 Nov 2019, Crystal City (Judy Hall delegate)

b)        Community Harvest Luncheon – 24 Nov 2019, after Christ the King HE service

      1. We should be trying to invite as many visitors as possible, especially those in need.

c)        Christmas 2019

      1. Christmas Eve is Tuesday, December 24th.  Josette and Tim will be coordinating the music for the service
      2. Lessons & Carols services will be Sunday, December 1st (1Advent) and Sunday, December 29th (1 Christmas)

d)        Our next vestry meeting will be Sunday, December 1st after the Lessons & Carols service.  Goals:

      1. Re-budget 2020
      2. Review facility plans for 2020
      3. General Convention debrief
      4. Make final preparations for congregational survey (the 12 questions!).
      5. Other ideas for fundraising and for mission/outreach

e)        Congregational Meeting – 1st Sunday in February 2020


Respectfully submitted by Tim Hall, Good Shepherd Register – 11/3/2019


Rev. Father Michael Sie Visits Good Shepherd
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