Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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CENTERED: Men's Group Circle

A Christian Discipleship Experience - Session #3

8 February 2023
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
27 Good Shepherd Road 
Bluemont, VA 20135
Driving Directions

CenteredCENTERED is an Episcopal discipleship series guiding small groups to get deeply rooted in love with God and one another, and thereby grow to look, act, and love more like Jesus. In each of the nine sessions led by Tim Hall, we will gather to share a simple meal; view short films; discuss questions about God, belonging in community, and living a meaningful life; and deepen our support for each other in intentionally following Jesus and his Way of Love.

Read more about CENTERED at The Episcopal Church website.

The themes of the nine sessions (for which you will receive a guidebook) are:

    1. Meeting Jesus and Each Other

    2. Meeting Jesus and Sharing Life in Small Groups

    3. Following Jesus as a Way of Life

    4. Loving God Like Jesus

    5. Loving Neighbors & Strangers like Jesus

    6. Loving Other Disciples like Jesus

    7. Loving Ourselves like Jesus

    8. Creating a Sustainable Rule of Life

    9. Looking, Acting, and Loving Like Jesus... Together