Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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A Quiet Morning in Lent from 9:00am to Noon

Hosted by The Rev. Martha Clark

March 16th from 9:00 a.m. to noon
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

27 Good Shepherd Rd

In Lent, we are encouraged to come away from our routine, to make space for quiet reflection and for prayer. Jesus made his way into the wilderness to pray and we are also invited to step away. Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane as he prepared for His Passion. We too are invited to take time to pray and prepare ourselves for the unfolding of Holy Week.

On Saturday, March 16th

you are invited to A Quiet Morning in Lent at Good Shepherd Church.

This time is intended to be a mini-retreat.
It will be a morning of space, a morning of peace.
You can come for the whole time or just for part of it.

You can bring something to read or use for reflection.
You can come to
sit in the sanctuary and pray.
You can walk the Stations of the Cross and meditate in the garden outside.
At points throughout the morning you can join in prayerful yoga,
centering prayer, lectio divina, & chanting in the Parish Hall.  

Simple refreshments will be provided


Not sure what a Quiet Day is? Or a Quiet Morning?

 A Quiet Day is "a day set apart in the Anglican church for special devotions, meditations, and instructions."

 It is an old Anglican tradition to set aside days and hours in particular seasons to listen and search for God.  This is intended to be a departure from our regular lives - where we are busy, stretched too thin, unable to stop, surrounded by noise and chatter.  Sometimes we need to just pause.  A Quiet Day (or in our case, Quiet Morning) is a chance to do just that.

The Gospels tell us that Jesus took needed time away,
to recharge, to connect with God, to pray and to reflect.
If Jesus needed time to pray, then so do we.

 Come and Join Us!